Sunday, December 24, 2006

contemplative Christmas

It never fails. I go searching for an ornament (hidden in boxes in my old bedroom) on Christmas Eve amidst corrugated containers of my own personal belongings, and end up coming across pictures and notes from high school and college days gone by. (I feel no remorse for this run-on sentence.)

I was driving by my old high school today and realized that next year it will be six years since I've graduated. It certainly feels like forever. I recall memories of the choir room (senior high room 302), "Singing Saints" practice Monday afternoons on the stage, musicals every spring and summer, hanging out with the 'friends' on New Year's and other times, and so many other thoughts stir the deepest reaches of my heart and mind.

I found a note from an old friend with whom I have not spoken in several years. They had wished me tremendous success and joy in my future, and I wonder: what have I done in these years to fulfill their prayer for my life?

I suppose my hope is this: that although I am blessed with people around me with which I am happy to create new memories, that I may also be able to recall those moments and people that have defined me.

Merry Christmas to all of those who have played a part in the story of my life thus far. I've loved these days.

When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And then I fall asleep counting my blessings

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

just tremendous

A combination of most everything I find wonderful in the world...

Monday, December 11, 2006

tis the season!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

lost in translation

The television show, "Lost", is currently on hiatus. Six of the season's twenty-two episodes were aired this fall (mostly while I was on the road -- don't worry, I still saw them), and now it is a waiting game until the first week in February, when ABC will show sixteen episodes in a row with no repeats. The question is not why do I like the show, but rather: why am I, like so many others, missing it?

I believe the answer is that, in a world which faces so many challenges, we long to engage in a suspension of our disbelief. I believe we grow if we are forced to grapple with situations and circumstances outside our own.

Some would argue about the value of television, and with good reason. It is, after all, spoon-feeding us every bit of information it has to offer. However, if we choose to engage beyond the program in further thought and discussion, how can we do anything but grow in the process. That is the answer: to grow, we must engage in fruitful thought and discussion with those around us.

Programs like "Lost" insure that an inherent value remains in a medium that easily transformed the way humans share and receive information.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

what inspires you?

I believe there are moments in our lives when God gives us the opportunity to be inspired. This is something that makes us most human. It is as if our souls are hungry for this kind of thing. When we are inspired, we are motivated and given the strength and power to do great things.

PBS is in the middle of their annual holiday pledge drive. I love these times of year. Not because I end up giving any money to public broadcasting (maybe I should), but because they show the greatest specials, from Yanni concerts to retrospectives on Victor Borge. This season PBS is broadcasting a concert in tribute to James Taylor. It is running under the "Great Performances" label, and it is terrific.

For whatever reason, this has truly inspired me in my music and songwriting. I think I am afraid to write music because I am afraid it will not be what I want it to be. That it will be unoriginal and not exciting to anyone. This special has, for whatever reason, inspired me to change my thoughts and take some chances with my music.

Jesus, take the wheel.

EDIT: One more thought. It's about leaving a legacy. At some point in our lives (from what I can tell in my brief years of existence), we have the opportunity to choose our adventure. Inspiration allows us to make the right choice, no matter where we are in life.