Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sometimes the answer is so simple...

We'll make a wish and do as dreamers do...

There are pieces of music in this world that can move you, change you so deeply that after listening to them you are never the same.

For me, it has always been music that highlights those qualities that make us human. It is music that is timeless. Music that stays with you from the minute you hear it and for the rest of your life.

Sometimes a song will come on the radio, and if it is a tune that is closely linked with a period of my life, I can't help but go back to that time and relive it in some way.

That, my friends, is what makes music so powerful. Its strong link to our memory helps us retain the important happenings in our lives, even after we feel as if we have long forgotten them.

I love music because it helps to grow by reminding us of where we came from. It reminds of lost loves, chances we never took, and the unforgettable promise of tomorrow.

There may be no greater reflection of our humanness than the music, the art that we create.

and all our wishes will come true.

1 comment:

KTB said...

mm... takes me right back to last summer, watching the most magical musical fireworks display with my best friends, and the overwhelming emotional reaction. the immense feeling that it was true, that all my dreams COULD come true. somehow in that moment, all was right in the world. :)

(and honestly, i saw the same fireworks display in april with flo and andy, but the effect was just not the same...)