Monday, October 04, 2004

monday morning

thank you for making me work out this morning. it felt very good to get the muscles moving and the blood flowing today. now i take a few minutes to expound upon my current thoughts on this brisk, chilly monday morning in which the sun is shining wonderfully.

i had an unfortunate incident with a water bottle today. having only carried water for the last month or so, one wouldn't think it could get really gross or anything, but it began to carry a sort of unsettling stagnant water type smell, so i thought, let's wash that. went to the sink, used a little soap, rinsed, and dried her off. i then proceeded to fill it for my consumption. i had not taken one full sip when i got a mouthful of soap. i was instantly hearkened back to that fateful day in my seventh or eighth year of life when i told shelly passinato (i'm not sure that was her name) that girls were very dumb and very stupid. mother was not pleased. i feel ill.

anyway, that was that, and i've recovered nicely. have a wonderful day friends...

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