Saturday, April 23, 2005

It was pretty darn sweet...

Yesterday the boys visited Jenison Junior and Senior High Schools for some impromptu performances. No setlists, just a lot of fun and hopefully some learning to for the students of those institutions. We headed over to sing for the 7-8-9 Male Chorus (of about 140 students), did about a 25-minute set with a little schtick. Then, we headed back to the senior high to sing for the 9th grade women and the 7th grade women of that hour ended up coming over to hear us. Both classes had a blast, and it was just a cryin' shame we couldn't have had the boys stay for the 4th, 5th, and 6th hours as well! Thanks to the members of 12th Street Harmony for taking time out of their day to come out and sing in was a blast!

The boys visit Jenison Junior High Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Disney might be a fun place to work

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I sent in a cover letter and résumé to the Walt Disney World Casting Center requesting that I be considered for a position with their "Magic Music Days" program. MMD brings performing groups (choirs, orchestras, bands) to WDW to perform for guests. Churchville (my alma mater) went their several times in the 90s. I want to work as a "talent coordinator" with the groups that come to perform for "the World." Please keep this in your prayers as I am really looking to hear back from them this week as I prepare to make some decisions. I am just hoping that my envelope gets in the right person's hands and they choose to respond in some way to me, and soon! I just feel that this has been on my heart for a long time and for good reason, so we will see what happens! Could be the most awesome thing that has ever happened to me...