Sunday, May 14, 2006

happy mother's day

Confession. This morning's service at RidgePoint has had me thinking about women. (I know what you are saying: Andrew, like you really needed a church service to inspire that thought pattern.)

To be quite honest I was most struck by the following verse, direct from the end of Proverbs 31:

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Take the first half of the verse. The writer (King Solomon, thoughts inspired by him mom, Bathsheba -- check out 2 Samuel for more on this craziness) makes reference to the modern perception of women without even knowing it. Charm and beauty. Are these not the things on which American society (generally speaking) places great emphasis? The writer contends that they are both deceptive and fleeting, and yet our modern media would suggest that they are truthful and steadfast.

Will we ever get this right?

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