Thursday, August 12, 2004

taking a blog break

well, if the word "blog" weren't weird enough, i am now taking a break from working to participate in the activity of posting to my so-called "blog". i'm over it. and now, after eleven and one-half hours away from my wonderful apartment, here they are, my thoughts on the day...

we had a good day today! about 14 days until new student arrive and we are in fairly good shape. i know karen and i are both very excited that our staff will being coming early next week...we are pumped to have some help around here!

do you ever feel like you have ten things on your plate and you don't know where to start? that's about how i've felt the last couple of days. it seems i can't have enough post-it notes around my little desk here. we'll see you soon...

1 comment:

KTB said...

yay! my wonderful andrew of j has joined the party! i LOVE the title. i must say. and i'm so glad i can read all your lovely funny thoughts all the time! happy day! love you friend, and miss you tons!