Thursday, August 12, 2004

workin' in the O

the issue is this (and the subject does say it all): "workin' in the O" means nothing to anyone except myself and maybe my esteemed co-director karen schuen. i know, right. so when i use it as my away message, i have to ask myself if anyone will really understand what's going on. well, now's a good time to start i suppose. i have been working for the last three months as a director for orientation at hope college in holland, michigan. yup, that's right. in a little over two weeks, about eight hundred wonderful new students and their parents, siblings, guardians, and gardeners will be on-campus to ring us into a new school year. this has, by far, been one of the single-greatest experiences of my college career. there have been times when i felt i would simply go crazy, but on the whole, i have loved these days.

when i think back on the summer, i have to say how it has felt more like two summers, many months at least. may was wonderful, that's for certain. and then june, with its trips to florida and disney world. space mountain. and july, which came in with illness and ended with a fantastic trip to that state you might never have visited, iowa. that's right cornfields and more cornfields. plus that baseball field surrounded by a cornfield, the field of dreams. and now august is here. i've loved these days.

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