Tuesday, December 21, 2004

home sweet home

And now, I will continue my trend of proper capitalization...

Good evening. It is Tuesday, December 21, 2004 (the first day of winter) and the weather in good ol' Rochester was a balmy thirty-seven degree Fahrenheit. After a wonderful homecoming weekend with family and friends, I find myself happy, but sad. On the one hand, we continue to inch our way closer to the wonderful Christmas day, but today it also meant that I had to say goodbye to the one I love. This is never easy, but I should also be thankful that in just one week, I will be able to join her in sunny Dubuque, Iowa.

On Friday, I had the pleasure of attending the so-called "dollar theatre" (it actually costs $1.50 for matinees and $2 on nights and weekends), where I viewed the film Napoleon Dynamite. It was very funny--one might even say zany--except I did not realize its hilarity until we got home and my brother started quoting it impeccably. Everyone must see this film. It will change their life.

Some things do change. My Wal*Mart. My beautiful Brockport Wal*Mart, where retail goodness and low prices abound, is not the mecca of holiday cheer that it once was. Nor is it the clean, inviting place to shop that the farm folk of Clarkson considered the destination of their annual vacation. Instead, it is now a slush-infested, cluttered, uninviting place that I probably will not attend in the near future. I consider this a real travesty, but I will surely move one with memories of what once was near and dear to my heart.

A special shout-out to a dear friend Miss Jeniffer Boone, who as of last evening, has become engaged to some guy whose last name I cannot spell. Congratulations, Booner! After five years of dating, I never would have expected this...

That is all for now I am afraid. Best wishes to you all during this holiday week and merry Christmas as well! My heart is with you, my travelling snow bunny! Be safe!

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