Sunday, December 24, 2006

contemplative Christmas

It never fails. I go searching for an ornament (hidden in boxes in my old bedroom) on Christmas Eve amidst corrugated containers of my own personal belongings, and end up coming across pictures and notes from high school and college days gone by. (I feel no remorse for this run-on sentence.)

I was driving by my old high school today and realized that next year it will be six years since I've graduated. It certainly feels like forever. I recall memories of the choir room (senior high room 302), "Singing Saints" practice Monday afternoons on the stage, musicals every spring and summer, hanging out with the 'friends' on New Year's and other times, and so many other thoughts stir the deepest reaches of my heart and mind.

I found a note from an old friend with whom I have not spoken in several years. They had wished me tremendous success and joy in my future, and I wonder: what have I done in these years to fulfill their prayer for my life?

I suppose my hope is this: that although I am blessed with people around me with which I am happy to create new memories, that I may also be able to recall those moments and people that have defined me.

Merry Christmas to all of those who have played a part in the story of my life thus far. I've loved these days.

When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And then I fall asleep counting my blessings

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