Monday, September 06, 2004

labor day

many on our campus are laboring today. it's the hope college thinking that if students (especially first-years and that kind of sounds like harry potter) were to have a long weekend right after school started, many would go home and retreat to the comfort of that environment and perhaps never come back. it's a long shot, but it's probably true. me, i don't have class until later, hence the reason i am pining away my next seven to eight minutes writing in this electronic thought-fest we call the blog.

it was a fine weekend. we wrapped up orientation with a downtown holland party and i was both happy and sad to see it all end. it's amazing how four months of your life can go by so quickly, but i was entirely pleased with how it all turned out and i think many of the freshmen were as well. what a blessing to work with fun people all summer, put together a great program and get paid while doing it!

sunday was a fine day as well! a little church action followed by some panera, a lazy afternoon, a little leftover chinese for dinner, add a touch of the gathering and call it good. i got to bed at a decent hour and proceeded to hit the snooze no less than twice this morning, after which i conked (not a real word) my head on the bathroom counter (not an activity i would recommend at nine in the morning). thankfully, some frozen foods came to my swelling rescue, and here i sit, with a slight headache, but not really any worse for the wear.

soon, it will be lunchtime and then time for a little work in student development. it's beautiful outside although kind of warm, but we'll take it. my seven minutes has concluded. until...

1 comment:

KTB said...

love love love you andrew j, and i'm so grateful to have seen you on this laborless (for this grad student at least!) weekend! :) in case you were still wondering, my blog is

with love and disney starlight wishes... ktb (insert mickey face here)