Wednesday, September 15, 2004

two very cool things

have happened to me in the last two days.

first of all, i got to see president bush in person at the ottawa county fairgrounds on monday. i was a volunteer and part of the so-called 'rally squad'. i can't even say anything funny about the day. it was just flat-out impressive. i don't care what anyone says, he commands attention by the way he speaks. the media does a great job of painting this picture that he can't speak english or doesn't know what he's talking about. simply not true. his speech was just solid. he's the man we want running our country for the next four years. oh no, he's not perfect. but i think he's the right choice.

secondly, i was cast as the title role in hope's production of bernstein's 'candide'. i consider it to be on of the greatest honors i have received at hope and i cannot wait to completely immerse myself in the role. it is going to challenge me more than anything i have ever done on stage, but i just want to do it and give it everything i have inside. this is such a special opportunity. music rehearsals start tonight (that'll larn 'em, darn 'em) with our good friend kerri daab. should be a wild time.

and now, for something completely different. until...

1 comment:

KTB said...

yay andrew of j!! :) i am so so excited for you, congrats! please let me know when the show is, i'll be sure to come up for it. hooray! :) love and miss you friend - ktb