Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ramblings from the road -- day 2

I am basically spending the day at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center in downtown Buffalo. We had a session there this morning that lasted from 9 until 1, and then I will be headed back there tonight for the evening session.

A couple observations from this morning's session:

1. 1st student to visit my table: 25 minutes after the program began

2. Saw some gals whose high school I will be visiting later this week, so I got to plug my visit

3. A woman came up to my table and said that her daughter (or grand-daughter?) lives in New Jersey and that she was picking up information for her. She must have taken 3 of everything on my table.

Before I left for the road, I made the connection that the band "Low Stars" wrote the tune "Calling All Friends", which is the title song of the ABC show "What About Brian." It's a terrific song, and I was fortunate to be able to pick up the CD at Starbucks, who has the group under their HEARMUSIC: The Sound of Starbucks record label. Always excited for new music.

That's all for now! Be blessed -- back tomorrow with more good stuff from the road.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hurray for admission road trip stories! I envy you as I sit in the office and tell angry parents that, because their child's application is a month and a half late, we will not be able to review it. oh, the joys...